UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage resigns

LONDON (AA) – Leader of the U.K. Independence Party Nigel Frage announced Monday he was stepping down as party head, just two weeks after Britain voted to leave the EU.

Farage, who is a prominent Brexit supporter and European Parliament member, told the media in London that he had “done his bit” and he “couldn’t possibly achieve more” following the historic referendum.

“My aim in being in politics was to get Britain out of the EU,” he said; adding: “The victory for the Leave side in the referendum means that my political ambition has been achieved.”

He said he would remain as member of European Parliament and would also continue watching the renegotiation process of the U.K. in Brussels “like a hawk.”

The UKIP leader, who had also announced his resignation before in May 2015 when his party lost the country’s general election to the Conservatives, said he would not be “changing his mind” this time.

Farage has been criticized widely for his comments on immigration and his Brexit campaign was blamed for an increase in “xenophobia” in the country following the referendum vote.

British politics is in turmoil following the country’s historic vote to leave the bloc. The government is yet to decide on who should be the country’s next prime minister to succeed David Cameron, while the opposition Labour party MPs challenge Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership and urge him to step down.