Pence vows US response to Khashoggi's 'brutal murder'

By Michael Hernandez

WASHINGTON (AA) – U.S. Vice President Mike Pence vowed Tuesday that Washington would take action in response to the “brutal murder ” of columnist Jamal Khashoggi.

Pence called Khashoggi's disappearance and death “an assault on a free and independent press ” while addressing a conference hosted by the Washington Post, the newspaper for whom Khashoggi wrote.

“Our administration is determined to use all means at our disposal to get to the bottom of it, ” Pence said.

After denying knowledge of Khashoggi's whereabouts for over two weeks, Saudi Arabia on Saturday said he was killed during a fight inside its Istanbul consulate.

His body has not been recovered, nor has Riyadh explained its shifting narrative on what transpired.

Pence confirmed CIA Director Gina Haspel is now in Turkey reviewing evidence in Khashoggi's case.

“We're going to follow the facts. We're going to demand that those responsible are held accountable, ” he said.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan earlier Tuesday laid out his country’s initial findings in its investigation, saying Khashoggi's murder was “premeditated. ”

Erdogan said all information and evidence that has been revealed showed Khashoggi was the victim of a brutal murder.

Saudi teams explored Istanbul's Belgrad Forest and the northwestern province of Yalova before murdering Khashoggi, Erdogan said.

Reacting to Erdogan's announcements, Pence said Turkey's assessment “flies in the face of earlier assertions that have been made by the Saudi regime, and again it underscores the determination of our administration to find out what happened here.

“The world is watching. The American people want answers, and we'll demand those answers are forthcoming, ” he said. “As we demand that those responsible for this barbaric act, we will also do so in the light, and in the context of America's vital national interests in the region. ”

When asked if he had seen any intelligence linking Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman to Khashoggi's disappearance, Pence said he did not “want to speak about any intelligence I've seen. ”

“When the CIA director returns she'll be briefing the president, myself and our entire team on what the Turks have assembled, ” he said. “I want to assure the American people, we're going to get to the bottom of it. This brutal murder of a journalist, of an innocent man, of a dissident, will not go without an American response, and I expect without an international response. ”